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Work Begins on Housing, Homelessness & Mental Health Task Force

The City of Tulsa’s Housing, Homelessness & Mental Health Task Force held its first meeting this week to understand the root causes of homelessness in Tulsa.

Announced by Mayor Bynum during his 2022 State of the City address, the Mayor-City Council Task Force was created to help the City of Tulsa more effectively understand its future role in addressing housing, homelessness, and mental health needs in Tulsa. The Task Force will create a strategy for the City to best utilize its policy and legislative powers, public convening and education platforms, and financial resources to maximize its efficiency and effectiveness in contributing to broader community solutions.

Weekly meetings are being held internally through the end of May with identified community stakeholders and organizations. The Task Force plans to hold two community meetings to hear community input in its future policy and funding recommendations.

The first community meeting will be held at the end of February and will provide information on the current state of homelessness in Tulsa and the work of the Housing, Homelessness and Mental Health Task Force. It will also be used as a time to hear from the community about their specific issues to ensure the Task Force is aware of all considerations moving forward.

The second community meeting will share what the Task Force has learned with the community and outline the list of possible actions being considered to address the impacts of homelessness. More information on dates, times, and locations will be released soon.

The weeks following the second community meeting will be used to develop the final set of recommendations.

Video presentations made during weekly Task Force meetings and other resources are being made available at Those with additional feedback or questions can email

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