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City Releases Request for Proposals for Development of More Affordable Housing Units

February 23, 2024

(Tulsa, OK) - The City of Tulsa and Grants Administration have released a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the development of affordable rental housing.

Available funding consists of $4,956,144 for development and $550,682 to go toward on-site supportive services and case management for the project. Support services as a standalone project are not eligible. Funds can be used for renovation, conversion, or new construction and must comply with the HOME-ARP rental requirements for a minimum of 15 years, with the goal of creating at least 20 new units.

Applications are due April 15, 2024.

“We know that we need more affordable housing units in Tulsa right now and that’s why we have released this RFP at this time,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “I am hopeful we will get some really good proposals back so that we can close the affordable housing gap in Tulsa and continue to provide services that Tulsans so desperately need.”

As background, in September 2021, HUD awarded the City of Tulsa $6,477,826 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds. To fully receive this funding, the City of Tulsa had to develop and submit a HOME-ARP Allocation plan, which was approved by HUD on April 10, 2023.

The release of the RFP represents one aspect of the forthcoming Mayor/Council Housing, Homelessness, and Mental Health (3H) Task Force recommendations, which will include short and long-term strategies for increasing housing stock, reducing homelessness and providing more resources, enhancing public safety, and providing more mental health/supportive programs.

"As we continue the work of the Task Force, I am so grateful Tulsa will be able to leverage public dollars with private investment to provide affordable housing," Council Chair and District 2 City Councilor Jeannie Cue said. "This is a unique opportunity to combine our resources and lean on the knowledge and expertise of our philanthropic and development partners. If your organization is committed to investing in our community to provide safe housing and supportive services, I would encourage you to attend the workshops next week."

The City is seeking partners that have the capacity to act quickly and have expertise/experience in multiple areas, including affordable housing development (either acquisition or new construction), ownership, and provision of supportive services. Collaboration of experts is highly encouraged to serve all qualifying populations that may be housed.

As project proposals for the RFP come in, priority will be given to mixed-income projects, projects that leverage other funding sources, and projects that don’t create neighborhoods of concentrated poverty.

Interested parties are required to RSVP to for the required and upcoming in-person HOME-ARP RFP Workshops on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Workshop 1 (Preferred): 10 a.m.-noon

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Workshop 2 (Preferred): 10 a.m.- noon

Workshop 3 (Contingency): 2 -4 p.m. – Please sign up only as a last resort

Interested parties must RSVP to, notating which HOME-ARP workshop they would like to attend to receive an official meeting invitation and details of the exact location. All workshops will be in person and located at City Hall.

More information about the 3H Task Force can be found online at   

More information about the City’s housing efforts can be found at   

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