Typically, agendas are posted to the web 48 hours before the meeting is scheduled to occur. Addenda to meetings will appear no later than 24 hours before a meeting. These agendas are provided for informational purposes only and are not official postings. Supportive material can also be found using the button above.
Note: Some agendas, minutes and backup material may not be available at this time due to the City of Tulsa ransomware attack. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the Council Office via phone at 918-596-1990 or email secretary@tulsacouncil.org.
Public Comment
Individuals who wish to speak to the Council on an item that appears on the Regular 5 p.m. Council Agenda, must sign a Request to Speak form in-person at the meeting, providing their names and addresses, and indicating whether they support or oppose the item prior to the Council addressing that item. Citizens can also speak before the Council on any item affecting the City of Tulsa on the Regular 5 p.m. Council Agenda under Section 11, titled “Public Comments,” provided the following steps are taken: • A topic for the comment must be submitted to the Secretary of the Council either in writing, by fax, email or via the Council’s website, along with all supporting materials, no later than 12:00 noon the preceding Thursday. The form can be submitted to the Secretary of the Council when completed. • The topic should be brief, but specific enough to satisfy posting requirements under state law. The topic should be worded so an ordinary individual may understand what the topic is about (i.e. abbreviations, scientific words, etc. should be avoided). • The language submitted by the citizen will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised to ensure compliance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. • “Public Comments” are intended to provide citizens with an opportunity to address the Council on new issues affecting the City of Tulsa and are not intended to provide a forum for commercial, political or similar topics. • A citizen shall be limited to two “Public Comments” items per meeting. A citizen may not re-submit a request on the same subject matter within 180 days from the preceding request. • The business portion of the Council’s regular meeting shall be concluded immediately after the completion of “Hearing of Appeals.” No action shall be taken on matters raised or discussed during “Public Comments” other than possibly placing such matters on a future regular meeting or standing committee meeting of the Council. • The Council may have representatives of the City appear and speak on topics raised during “Public Comments.”
Notice of Appeal
Filing the Appeal: To appeal an Administrative Action, the appeal process must be timely filed and permitted by the City Charter and/or ordinance. The appellant shall follow the process prescribed by ordinance for filing the appeal and utilize the appeal form provided in the City Clerk’s office. If timely filed, the Secretary to the Council shall schedule the appeal, notify the interested parties, and issue appeal instructions as described in this section. If not timely filed, the Council Administrator shall notify the appellant in writing of the untimely appeals. Once an appeal is filed, communication to the Council regarding the substance of the appeal should only take place in the public meeting as outlined in the procedure below. Records and Supporting Documents: The City and appellant must submit all supporting documents no later than 12:00 pm (Noon) the Thursday proceeding the regular Wednesday meeting. The City shall include in their supporting documents all documents and records of the Administrative Hearing. Both parties shall provide by this time all documents to be presented to the City Council during the appeal. Standard of Review: In a hearing of an Appeal, the Council acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. During the hearing and in deliberations the Council should consider the final determination of the administrative process and the errors alleged by the appellant. Appeal Procedure: 1. The Council Chair will announce the items to be considered and state the standard of review provided by the relevant ordinance. 2. The City Administrative department will receive up to 10 minutes ofuninterrupted time to present their case. Their case presentation at a minimum shall include a summary of the Administrative Hearing outcomes. 3. The Appellant will then receive up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to present their case. Their case presentation at a minimum shall include a statement of the errors made at the Administrative Hearing. 4. Councilors will then ask questions of either party once recognized by the Council Chair. 5. The City Council will not receive public input on Appeals of Administrative Action. Final Order: Following a decision by the City Council, a written order stating the outcome of the appeal shall be prepared by the Secretary to the Council, signed by the Council Chair, and distributed to all interested parties. If you have any questions, contact the Secretary of the Council at 918-596-1990 or email secretary@tulsacouncil.org.
Request for Public Records
On August 10, 1995, Mayor M. Susan Savage signed Executive Order 95-04. That Order was issued to ensure that the City of Tulsa would fully comply with requirements established by the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Title 51 Oklahoma Statutes, §§ 24A.1 et seq. For more information regarding open records requests, please click here.
Pledge of Allegiance
If you or your group would like to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a City Council meeting, please fill out the form below or email the Council Secretary at secretary@tulsacouncil.org. A list of meeting dates is available here.