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City Council Rules & 
Orders of Business

Latest revision: January 15, 2025

The following constitutes the rules, policies, procedures, guidelines, and order of business as periodically updated and adopted by the Tulsa City Council.

View a PDF of these rules here

A. Regular Meetings

Regular Meetings of the Council of the City of Tulsa are usually held weekly, at 5:00 PM, Wednesday in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall at One Technology Center (OTC) located at 175 East Second Street. The Council may change a regular meeting from Wednesday to another weekday, or to another location, provided that it does so in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Law.

B. Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Council of the City of Tulsa may be called at any time by either the Council Chair, one-third the membership of the Council, or the Mayor, in accordance with Article II, Section 3.1, "MEETINGS", of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma 1990 Charter, as amended.

C. Standing Committee Meetings

The Council holds its standing committee meetings on Wednesday unless determined otherwise by the Council. The usual location of standing committee meetings is Room 411, 4th floor, City Hall, 175 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK.


The usual times for standing committee meetings are:
10:30 A.M. Urban and Economic Development
1:00 P.M. Budget
2:30 P.M. Public Works


Only a City Councilor, the Council Administrator, or Secretary of the Council can place an item on the Agenda of a standing committee of the Council. Any change in the date, time, or location of a committee meeting shall be made exclusively by the Chair or Co-Chairs of that committee. A standing committee meeting may be continued to another date, time, and/or location by the presiding Chair or Co-Chairs of that committee.

D. Open Meetings Act

All meetings of the City Council shall conform to and be held in accordance with Oklahoma's Open Meeting Law.

Regular Meetings of the City Council are conducted according to the following general Agenda:

  • Call to Order

  • Roll Call​

  1. Receipt and Filing of Minutes

  2. Appointments & Reappointments

  3. Public Hearings

  4. Mayor's Items

    • Including: Mayor’s report on community events, briefing on City activities, City efforts, and New Business

  5. Authorities, Boards, and Commissions Items

  6. Ordinances: First Reading

  7. Ordinances: Second Reading

  8. Council Items

  9. New Business

  10. Hearing of Appeals

  11. Hearing of Public Comments

  12. Adjournment


Note: When possible, proclamations, recognitions and other announcements should be made immediately before regular council meetings.

A. Regular Council Meetings


1. Time for Posting and Delivery to Councilors

The Agenda for all Wednesday Regular City Council Meetings is assembled and posted by 5:00 PM on the Friday preceding a Wednesday meeting by the Secretary of the Council and delivered, with all supporting material, to the Councilors no later than the close of business of the Friday preceding a regular Wednesday meeting. Delivery may be effected electronically, by personal service, or by US Postal Service. Addenda may be posted no later than the close of business on the Monday preceding a regular Wednesday meeting. Addenda shall be allowed only to correct staff error or add emergency items.

2. Time for Requests to be Submitted to Secretary of the Council


Matters to be placed on the Agenda for regularly scheduled Wednesday Meetings of the City Council must be submitted to the Secretary of the Council or Council Administrator, Office of the City Council, 4th Floor, City Hall at OTC, with all supporting materials, not later than 12:00 Noon the Thursday preceding a regular Wednesday meeting. Except for legitimate, verifiable emergency situations, non-adherence to this policy will preclude inclusion on the next Wednesday’s Agenda.

3. Method of Item Placement on City Council Regular Meeting Agenda


By request to the Secretary of the Council or the Council Administrator within the deadlines established above, the following individuals shall be permitted to place an item on a City Council Regular Meeting Agenda:

a. Any Councilor.
b. Mayor (or City Attorney on behalf of the Mayor) for administrative and budget items only.
c. City Auditor for administrative and budget items only.
d. An individual appealing an administrative decision provided that such request is filed in a timely manner by the appellant, duly recorded by the City Clerk (with date stamped) and submitted to the Secretary of the Council by the appellant.
e. An individual's request to speak under "Hearing of Public Comments."

​B. Standing Committee Meetings

All standing committee meeting Agendas will be posted no later than 5:00 P.M. on the preceding Friday, or two (2) full working days prior to the committee meeting, whichever is earlier.


All new Agenda items and supporting material for standing committee meetings must be received by the Secretary of the Council, or Council Administrator, by 12:00 noon on the Thursday preceding the committee meeting.

Governing Charter Principle:

No ordinance shall be adopted until the subject thereof – and not necessarily the printed ordinance per se – has appeared on the Council Agenda for two (2) meetings (reference: Tulsa City Charter, Article II, Section 8).

A. First Reading


Except as provided in Section B. (below), an ordinance must initially appear on an Agenda for consideration by the Council as a First Reading, provided that the subject of the ordinance has not previously appeared on an Agenda of a regular Council Meeting within the preceding ninety (90) calendar days. Any Councilor, or the Mayor (under the restrictions set forth in III.C.) may cause an ordinance to appear on the Agenda of a regular meeting of the Council by submitting a Request for Ordinance Action (Section IV. C, below), and a copy of the proposed ordinance along with appropriate supporting information to the Secretary of the Council or Council Administrator.


An ordinance may be debated, amended, referred for additional review to a Councilor, Council committee, Council Staff, or the Mayor's Office, and/or placed on a future Agenda for a Second Reading by either the Council Chair, or by motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Council. However, an ordinance shall not be adopted at its First Reading except by a waiver of both the Charter and these Council Rules & Order of Business; the former requires an affirmative 2/3 vote of the entire membership of the Council, while the latter requires an affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum.


B. Second Reading

An ordinance shall appear on a future Agenda for a Second Reading by the Council, provided that the subject thereof has previously appeared on an Agenda of a regular Council Meeting within the preceding ninety (90) calendar days. Furthermore, it must be placed on an Agenda for a Second Reading by the Council Chair, or by motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Council, or by the Chair or Co-Chairs of the standing committee to which it was assigned for review. An ordinance can be adopted by the Council at its Second Reading by an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire membership of the Council.


If an ordinance fails to be approved by the required vote of the Council, that same ordinance may not be placed on a future Agenda for Council consideration for a period of 90 calendar days following Council action on said ordinance. A "Motion to Reconsider" is an allowable exception to this rule (reference: Section IX).

C. Request for Action

1. Ordinances


All proposed ordinances submitted to the City Council for consideration must be accompanied by a completed "Request for Ordinance Action" form which embodies the following information:

a. Purpose of Legislation

b. Summary

c. Cost: (a) Direct; (b) Indirect

d. Source of Funds

(1) Budget Source – current fiscal year

(2) Budget Source – succeeding fiscal years (if applicable)


Information for each of the above elements shall be transmitted with the proposed ordinance along with proper attribution as to the information source (i.e., the initials of the individual providing the appropriate information).


If a completed Request for Ordinance Action form does not accompany the proposed ordinance, the ordinance shall not be considered by the full City Council or any of its standing committees.


Additionally, any Councilor may request additional information regarding a proposed ordinance as may be considered appropriate or necessary by said Councilor.

2. Resolutions

All Requests for Action for Resolutions must clearly state the purpose of the resolution.

3. Donations


All requests for acceptance of a donation of goods or services must include all appropriate information. A request for donation of travel expenses must state who is traveling, the destination, the purpose of the travel, the dates of the travel, and, if an in-kind donation, the dollar value of the donation.

D. Emergency Clauses

Absent an unforeseen change in facts or circumstances, the Council shall not pass an emergency clause on an ordinance or resolution, unless the administration or a department specifically requests it. The request for an emergency clause must be clearly stated on the front page of the Request for Action. Information detailing the need for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, welfare, or safety shall be included on or attached to the Request for Action.

A. Public Input

Public input is allowed on all items except items continued from a previous meeting where public input was received on the item, items listed under First Reading (unless the Council notifies the public it may act on the item), Public Comments (except for the individual who requested the item), or the Mayor’s presentation of the Budget (since public input will be received at a future public hearing).

Individuals who wish to speak to the Council on an item that appears on the Council Agenda, whether speaking on their own behalf or on behalf of a group, must sign a request to speak form at the regular Council Meeting, providing Council Staff with their names and addresses, and indicating whether they support or oppose the item (as applicable), prior to the Council addressing that item.

B. Public Comments


A citizen who wishes to speak before the Council on an item affecting the City of Tulsa may be permitted to speak under “Public Comments” at the Wednesday night 5:00 p.m. regular Council meeting, provided the following steps are taken: A topic for the “Public Comments” portion of the Agenda must be submitted to the Secretary of the Council either in writing, by fax, Email, or via the Council’s website by the citizen wishing to speak thereon, along with all supporting materials, not later than 12:00 Noon the preceding Thursday. The topic should be brief, but specific enough to satisfy posting requirements under state law. The topic should be worded so an ordinary individual may understand what the topic is about (i.e. abbreviations, scientific words, etc. should be avoided). The language submitted by the citizen will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised to ensure compliance with Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. The number of citizens permitted to speak under Public Comments shall be limited to nine (9) per meeting with each having a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. A single submission including more than nine (9) requests to speak shall be invalid. If more than nine (9) persons request to speak, the speakers allowed shall be the nine (9) persons whose submissions were received first by the Secretary of the City Council and the remainder, not exceeding nine (9), shall be permitted to speak under Public Comments at the next available regular Council meeting in the order received.

“Public Comments” is intended to provide the citizens with an opportunity to address the Council on new issues affecting the City of Tulsa and is not intended to provide a forum for commercial, political, or similar topics. A citizen shall be limited to two (2) “Public Comments” items per meeting. A citizen may not re- submit a request on the same subject matter within 180 days from the preceding request.


The business portion of the Council’s regular meeting shall be concluded immediately after the completion of “Hearing of Appeals.” No action shall be taken on matters raised or discussed during “Public Comments” other than possibly placing such matters on a future regular meeting or standing committee meeting of the Council. The Council may have representatives of the City appear and speak on topics raised during “Public Comments.”

C. Public Hearing Time Limitations and Procedures

The Chair shall limit the time allowed for speakers in public hearings in accordance with the following:

  1. Individuals

    • Individuals shall be limited to a total of five (5) minutes per meeting; their use of those five (5) minutes shall begin as soon as they have been called upon to speak. Speaking at a public hearing, shall not be counted against an individual’s total of five (5) minutes. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up to speak, although they may first be sorted into supporting or opposing the item.

  2. Groups of 6 or more

    • Groups of six (6) or more individuals advocating a similar position on a single item are collectively limited to a total of thirty (30) minutes per meeting. A single representative of a group in favor or opposed to a particular agenda item can use the entire thirty (30) minutes if five (5) individuals signed to speak prior to the representative yield their time to the representative. Speaking at a public hearing shall not be counted against a group’s total of thirty minutes.

  3. Zoning Change Requests 

    • Zoning Change Requests shall follow the procedure in the order provided below.

      • a. The Council will receive public input on Zoning Change Requests. Time limitations for public input will follow the rules outlined in V.C.1 and V.C.2.​

      • b. The applicant will receive up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to present the zoning application and/or respond to items raised during public input.

      • c. Councilors will then ask questions of any party once recognized by the Council Chair.

  4. Appeal of Administrative Action

    • a. Filing the Appeal: To appeal an Administrative Action, the appeal process must be timely filed and permitted by the City Charter and/or ordinance The appellant shall follow the process prescribed by ordinance for filing the appeal and utilize the appeal form provided in the City Clerk's office. If timely filed, the Secretary to the Council shall schedule the appeal, notify the interested parties, and issue appeal instructions as described in this section. If not timely filed, the Council Administrator shall notify the appellant in writing of the untimely appeals. Once an appeal is filed, communication to the Council regarding the substance of the appeal should only take place in the public meeting outlined in the procedure below.​

    • b. Records and Supporting Documents: The City and appellant must submit all supporting documents no later than 12:00 pm (Noon) the Thursday proceeding the regular Wednesday meeting. The City shall include in their supporting documents all documents and records of the Administrative Hearing. Both parties shall provide by this time all documents to be presented to the City Council during the appeal.

    • c. Standard of Review: In a hearing of and Appeal, the Council acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. During the hearing and in deliberations the Council should consider the final determination of the administrative process, and the errors alleged by the appellant.

    • d. Appeal Procedure:

      • 1. The Council Chair will announce the items to be considered and state the standard review provided by the relevant ordinance.

      • 2. The City Administrative department will receive up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to present their case. Their case presentation at a minimum shall include a summary of the Administrative Hearing outcomes.

      • 3. The Appellant will then receive up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to present their case. Their case at a minimum shall include a statement of the errors made at the Administrative Hearing. 

      • 4. Councilors will then ask questions of either party once recognized by the Council Chair.

      • 5. The City Council will not receive public input on Appeals of Administrative Action.

    • e. Final Order: Following a decision by the City Council, a written order stating the outcome of the appeal shall be prepared by the Secretary to the Council, signed by the Council Chair, and distributed to all interested parties.

  5. Response to Councilors’ questions

    • Responses to questions from Councilors shall not be considered part of a person's or group's allowed time.

  6. Termination of comments by Council Chair

    • The Council Chair may immediately terminate the comments of any individual speaker on an Agenda item for violation of these Rules & Order of Business. In addition, after a warning, the Council Chair, at the Chair's discretion, may preclude the individual speaker from addressing the Council on any other Agenda item at that meeting and/or at the next regular 5:00 PM Council meeting for violation of these rules. The Council Chair's decision may be reconsidered and overruled by a majority vote of the quorum. 

D. Conduct

Individuals and groups addressing the Council must limit their remarks to the specific Agenda topic on which they have signed to speak.


While individuals and groups should always demonstrate courtesy and respect, conduct which is not merely disrespectful, but which is disruptive to the peace and good order of the proceedings, will not be allowed and may subject the violator to forfeit the opportunity to speak or attend the remainder of the meeting.

Prohibited disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:​

1. Speaking without being recognized by the Council Chair;

2. Directing comments to anyone other than the Council;

3. Continuing to speak after notice that the speaker's allotted time has expired;

4. Presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion;

5. Failing to comply with the lawful instructions of the Council Chair; and/or

6. Engaging in disorderly, interruptive, delaying, or unreasonably boisterous conduct, such as, but not limited to, shouting, clapping, snapping, stomping, whistling, using obscene language or gestures, or other conduct which interrupts, delays, or disturbs the peace and good order of the proceedings.

Pursuant to 27 T.R.O. §312 and 21 O.S. §280, prohibited disruptive conduct also includes any conduct that "violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, or that jeopardizes the safety of self or others".

Any violation of these provisions, as determined by the Council Chair, shall result in a warning. Should there be any further violation, the Council Chair shall direct the individual, or group, to vacate the podium and forfeit the remainder of the time available to them, and/or expel the individual or group from the meeting. The Council Chair shall then direct the City security or personnel to remove the individual(s). The Council Chair's expulsion of an individual or group from a meeting may be reconsidered and overruled by a majority vote of the quorum. 

The adopted City Council policy governing the review and confirmation of Mayoral appointments and reappointments to all boards, authorities, commissions and agencies created by the amended City Charter, ordinance, agreement or pursuant to law is as follows:

A. New Appointments


Upon submittal of a nominee, a copy of the nominee's resumé (to include the address of the appointee’s current, primary residence), a statement of who the new appointee is replacing or succeeding, the appointment term, a list of potential conflicts of interest which would cause the nominee to recuse themselves on an issue, a signed acknowledgement of receiving a copy of the City of Tulsa’s Ethics Ordinance, a signed agreement to abide by the City of Tulsa’s Ethics Ordinance, and any other pertinent information is to be submitted by the Mayor's Office to the Secretary of the Council who shall invite the nominee to appear at an appropriate standing committee meeting as well as at a regular, 5:00 PM Wednesday, City Council meeting for confirmation.

B. Reappointments

Upon submittal of a nominee for re-appointment, a copy of the nominee's updated resume or a statement detailing current employment and community involvement (both to include the address of the re-appointee’s current, primary residence), attendance record over the previous appointment period, the reappointment term, the original date the nominee was first appointed, a list of potential conflicts of interest which would cause the nominee to recuse themselves on an issue, a signed acknowledgement of receiving a copy of the City of Tulsa’s Ethics Ordinance, a signed agreement to abide by the City of Tulsa’s Ethics Ordinance, and any other pertinent information is to be submitted by the Mayor's Office to the Secretary of the Council who shall invite the nominee to appear at an appropriate standing committee meeting. However, the nominee need not necessarily appear at a regular, 5:00 PM Wednesday, City Council meeting, except if one or more Councilors ask for such an appearance by submitting a written request to the Secretary of the Council or Council Administrator.


C. Confirmation

Appointments and reappointments shall be considered for approval by the Council at a regularly scheduled, 5:00 PM Wednesday meeting of the Council held no earlier than the week following their appearance at a Council standing committee meeting.

A. Term

The Council will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair at its first meeting on or after the first Monday in December of each year. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve until immediately prior to the first Council meeting on or after the first Monday in December each year.


B. Method of Election

At least two (2) weeks prior to the first meeting on or after the first Monday in December of each year, any Councilor(s) wanting to be considered for the position of Vice-Chair shall file with the Council Secretary a signed document with their name, council district and stating that they wish to be considered for the position of Vice-Chair. Within one (1) business day of receipt of such notice, the Council Secretary shall notify the Council of the Councilor’s desire to be considered for the position of Vice-Chair.

At the first meeting on or after the first Monday in December of each year, the Council Administrator, or Council Attorney, shall preside over said meeting until such time as a new Council Chair shall be elected. Nominations may be made by any Councilor and received by the Council Administrator, or Council Attorney. Upon the closing of nominations, a roll call vote shall be conducted by Council Administrator, or Council Attorney, who shall record the results. Should no nominee receive a majority vote of the entire Council, the Council Administrator, or Council Attorney, will repeat the roll call vote until a Chair is elected by a majority. A Councilor just having completed a full term as Chair shall not be eligible for election to a consecutive term as Chair.


The duties of the Chair include presiding at the meetings of the Council and performing such other duties as provided in the Amended Charter, by ordinance, or by the Council’s Rules & Order of Business.


C. Vice-Chair – Term, Method of Election and Duties

Following the election of a Chair, the Council will elect a Vice Chair to serve concurrently with the Chair. Only Councilors who have filed a document with the Council Secretary stating their wish to be considered for the position of Vice-Chair shall be eligible for nomination as Vice-Chair. Otherwise, the nomination and election process shall be the same as was utilized for selection of the Chair. In the absence or disability of the Chair, the Vice Chair will perform the duties of the Chair.


D. Replacement of and Representation by Chair and Vice-Chair​

The Chair and Vice Chair serve at the pleasure of the entire membership of the Council and may only be removed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Council.

The Chair and/or Vice Chair may represent the entire Council on a matter of policy only when specifically authorized by action of the Council.

The Council Chair, or the Council by motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Council, may at any regular meeting, establish and appoint members to and name a Chair or Co-Chairs of standing committees, task forces and other duly created advisory committees or subcommittees for the purpose of organizing the work of the Council.

If Co-Chairs of a standing committee or task force are appointed, a Co-Chair shall serve as the presiding committee or task force Chair for one month, ending at the conclusion of the last meeting of the committee or task force for the month. At the conclusion of a Co-Chair’s term as presiding Chair, the next Co-Chair shall assume the responsibilities of presiding Chair, unless that Co-Chair defers the responsibilities to a Co-Chair of his/her choosing. The order of rotation for presiding Chair shall be determined informally by the committee Co-Chairmen; if a rotation is not determined within two weeks after the committee Co-Chairmen are appointed by the Council Chair, then the Council Chair, or the Council by motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Council at a regular meeting of the City Council, shall determine the rotation.

As part of the discussion at regular Council meetings, matters for consideration by standing committees or task forces are to be referred by either (a) the Council Chair, or (b) the Council via motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a Council quorum.

All City Councilors are members of all Council standing committees and task forces. Only City Councilors are official, recognized members of a Council standing committee or task force. Each such entity will have a formally designated and recognized Chair or Co-Chairs who must be City Councilors. The Council may create advisory committees, either by the Chair or Council by motion and affirmative vote of a majority of a Council quorum; an advisory committee may include citizen members. The Chair or Co-Chairs of an advisory committee need not be a City Councilor.

All Council committees, task forces and other duly created advisory committees and subcommittees must post their meetings and any related official gatherings. All postings and meetings must follow the guidelines set forth in Oklahoma’s Open Meeting Law even though such committees are purely fact-finding, informational, and recommendatory in nature and therefore, are considered to be exempt from Oklahoma's Open Meeting Law.

All Council committees, task forces and other duly created advisory committees and subcommittees must, in accordance with their posted Agenda: (1) have summary minutes kept by a person so designated which shall be an official record of the proceedings showing all significant matters discussed; (2) note all recommendations advocated and matters considered by the Councilors in attendance; and (3), file summary minutes with the Secretary of the Council.

A. Motion


Any member may make a motion. Council action must be in accordance with Article II, Section 6.2 of the Amended Charter.

B. Reconsideration

After the vote on any ordinance, resolution or motion, any Councilor who voted on the prevailing side may move to reconsider the previous action, provided that it is done at the meeting the original vote was taken or at the very next regularly scheduled, 5:00 PM Wednesday meeting of the Council. If seconded, a Motion to Reconsider may be approved by a simple majority of those present.

C. Councilor Ground Rules

Regarding official Council Meetings, a Councilor is expected to abide by the following without exception. Councilor ground rules are to be monitored and enforced by each and every Councilor. Any violation of a Ground Rule during a Council Meeting demands the immediate attention of the Council.

1. It is the Chair's responsibility to intercede if issues or proceedings get out of hand.

2. Councilors must inform the Secretary of the Council (orally, in writing, or electronically) when they are leaving a regular Council Meeting should their departure occur prior to adjournment.

3. If a proposed Agenda item affects a particular Council District, the Councilor of that District will be contacted first to see if he/she wishes to sponsor the item.

D. Councilor Norms

At Council Meetings, every Councilor will try to abide by the following guidelines; repeated violations of these guidelines should result in Council action.

1. Councilors and guest speakers will be recognized by their proper formal names. Upon initial acknowledgment, appropriate titles will be used; afterwards, the terms "Mr., Mrs., Miss, or "Ms." may be substituted.

2. Councilor comments must be limited to issues only. There are to be no personal attacks.

3. The Chair recognizes a Councilor to speak.

4. To interrupt another Councilor who has the floor, a Councilor must successfully request the speaker to yield.

5. Councilors must be aware of when they are speaking for themselves and refrain from speaking for other Councilors or the Council as a whole, unless specifically authorized to do so.

6. Councilors must avoid the conscious circumvention of established procedures and protocol. They must follow the adopted rules of the Council.

7. Councilors should be in their seats to vote. When necessary, the Chair will give a Councilor time to get back to his or her seat in order to vote.

Any Councilor traveling outside the city on official business on a paid trip paid for by the City of Tulsa shall submit (or cause to have submitted) pertinent information as listed on the City's "Travel Authorization/Advance and Expense Voucher" to a standing committee for its information and review (via a "Councilor Travel Information Form") at its next regularly scheduled committee meeting.

Should the total projected cost of the trip or the projected cumulative annual travel expenses for the Councilor be less than $500, no further action is required. However, if the total cost of the trip or the projected cumulative annual travel expenses for the Councilor is projected to be $500 or greater, then pertinent information shall be forwarded to the full Council for consideration and authorization by a majority vote of a quorum of the Council at a regularly scheduled, 5:00 PM, City Council meeting.

Separate from the above travel expenses, a Councilor is eligible for reimbursement of actual mileage incurred in the operation of his/her personal vehicle for official City Council business at the official, adopted City rate. However, only trips outside the city limits of the City of Tulsa qualify for reimbursement. If any Councilor exceeds a cumulative total of $500 per fiscal year for mileage reimbursement, such requests will be forwarded to a standing committee for its information and review, then to the full Council for consideration and authorization by a majority vote of a quorum of the Council at a regularly scheduled, 5:00 PM City Council meeting.

All Councilors are expected to report back to the Council, orally, or in writing, on their trips so that any education, insight or experience gained can be shared with all interested Councilors.

The City Council shall be completely responsible for and provide all parking for Councilors and Council Staff, including OTC monthly and on-street metered permits.

Article II, Sections 7.1 - 7.3 of the Tulsa City Charter outline the City Council’s responsibilities regarding the review, amendment and adoption of a budget for the City of Tulsa. As a prelude to this process and for the purpose of providing general guidelines to the Administration and City departments, the City Council shall meet to discuss the budget; the distinct and sole purpose of these meetings shall be the development of a compendium of needs and opportunities for the upcoming fiscal year based on the updated Quality of Life model as well as the collective judgment and perceptions of the City Councilors. This compendium shall be formally adopted by the Council and made available to the Administration in January of each year, or otherwise as soon as possible, marking the commencement of the City’s budget development process.

A Councilor has the right to have material printed for public purpose without review or approval of its content by the City Council. A mock-up or draft copy of all printed material may, at the discretion of the Council Administrator, be forwarded to a standing Council committee for notification purposes only prior to distribution.

A Councilor has the right to have materials transmitted to constituents for public purpose without review or approval by the Council. A mock-up or draft copy of all large transmissions (defined as 500 or more pieces/contacts) may, at the discretion of the Council Administrator, be forwarded to a standing Council committee for notification purposes only prior to any large materials transmission, if public funds are used.

Any time a Councilor produces print or electronic communications in which his/her personal opinion or policy position is represented (e.g., newsletter, flyers, district web site), a disclaimer shall be included which essentially notes that the opinion or policy position expressed, either directly or indirectly, does not necessarily represent the view or position of the Tulsa City Council or the City of Tulsa.

Members of the City Council, as elected representatives of the citizens of Tulsa, dedicate themselves to the highest ideals of service, honor, professionalism, truth and integrity in all their public and personal relationships and respect the trust and confidence given them by the public and members of city, county, state and federal governments. Councilors pledge to be reasonable, responsible, positive, receptive and courteous in all their dealings, to devote their time, skills and energies to their elected office, and abide by all reasonable standards regarding conflict of interest and ethics as established by federal, state and local laws including the City of Tulsa’s “Code of Ethics” as adopted by ordinance.

Council business-related meals and refreshments are allowable expenses provided that such is incurred for, and directly related to, the conduct of City Council business or Council Office staff activities. Expenses for meals and refreshments shall not exceed $20 per person or exceed $1,000 per event unless specifically authorized in writing by the Council Administrator and approved by the Council Chair. Documentation for City Council business-related meals and refreshments shall include the date of the event, the purpose of the event, the cost for meals and refreshments for the event, and the number of people attending the event.

A. Statement of Policy


It is the policy of the Tulsa City Council to comply with all provisions of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Statutes, Tulsa Amended Charter and the Tulsa Revised Ordinances relating to the solicitation, receipt and acceptance of donations, contributions and gifts to the City.

B. Definitions

For the purposes of this policy, each of the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given herein.

1. City shall mean the City of Tulsa,

2. Tulsa City Council employee shall mean those classified City employees, who are appointed by the Council under and pursuant to the provisions of the Amended Charter of the City of Tulsa,

3. Property shall mean anything of value of any kind, type, and/or character, whether real, personal, or mixed.

C. Approval Required Prior to Any Solicitation

The approval of the Tulsa City Council shall be required prior to any City Councilor or any City Council employee (except for City of Tulsa’s annual charitable giving campaigns) soliciting gifts, donations, endorsements, or contributions for non-City of Tulsa programs, functions, departments, or events while utilizing the name of the City of Tulsa or the Tulsa City Council.

D. Acceptance of Gifts, Donations and Contributions to the City.


The acceptance of all gifts, donations and contributions to the City of Tulsa, whether conditional or unconditional, of any property shall be authorized and approved by the Tulsa City Council, the governing body of the City, in its discretion in accordance with Oklahoma law.

E. Gifts, Donations and Contributions - Property of the City

All gifts, donations and contributions are the property of the City and shall be accounted for, budgeted and administered consistent with state law, the ordinances and regulations governing City property, and the intent specified by the donor or contributor if said intent was approved by the Tulsa City Council at the time of formal acceptance of the gift, donation or contribution.

F. Deposit of Funds


All gifts, donations, contributions and proceeds from fund-raising activities in the form of cash or negotiable instruments, authorized by the Tulsa City Council in accordance with Sections C and/or D above, shall be accounted for and deposited consistent with state law and the ordinances and regulations governing the administration of City funds.

G. Violation of Policy


A violation of this policy by a City Councilor shall constitute a violation of Council rules and may be punishable under the provisions of Section 4 entitled “Rules”, Article II of the Tulsa Amended Charter.

Except for Section XIII, Council Code of Ethics, the Council may, by an affirmative vote of a quorum of the Council, temporarily waive any Council rule or portion thereof, provided, that all actions of the Council shall, regardless of any waiver, be consistent with the Amended Charter, Ordinance and Oklahoma law.

The Council may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its entire membership, temporarily waive that portion of Article II, Section 8 of the Charter requiring that "No ordinance shall be adopted until the subject thereof has been on the Agenda of the Council for two (2) meetings.” The waiver of this Charter provision is a serious action that must not be taken lightly. Such an action should always be preceded by a deliberate and full consideration by the Council.

Any matter not covered by these rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order (Revised Edition), provided such actions shall be consistent with the Amended Charter, City Ordinance or other Oklahoma law, which shall prevail.

A. Oklahoma Open Records Act

The Tulsa City Council shall comply with the Oklahoma Open Records Act. All records of the City Council shall be open for inspection, copying, and/or mechanical reproduction during regular business hours. All copying and/or mechanical reproduction shall be done by Council Staff. Applicable reproduction charges shall be approved by the Council and made available by the records custodian or his/her designee.

B. Records Custodian

The official records custodian for the City Council shall be the Council Administrator or his/her designee. No document, record, video recording, or audio recording shall be removed from the Council Office without the written permission of the records custodian or his/her designee.


C. Open Records Requests

Excluding documents or records specifically prepared for public distribution, all requests for City Council public records, including e-mails, shall be made in writing and signed by the requestor. All record requests must describe, in as much detail as possible, the records that are the subject of the request to a sufficient degree that the record custodian can reasonably ascertain the identity of the record(s) for inspection including, as appropriate, the subject matter, recipients/senders, and dates, submitted in advance of copying and/or mechanical reproduction. The records custodian shall respond to all requests in a reasonable, responsive timeframe.


D. Records Retention Schedule

The City Council shall maintain official records according to the following schedule:

1. Official, written minutes of regular and special meetings - permanently.

2. Video recordings of regular meetings – a minimum of two (2) years.

3. Agenda back-up for regular and special meetings – a minimum of two (2) years.

4. Unofficial minutes of standing committee meetings – a minimum of two (2) years.

5. Audio recordings of standing committee meetings – a minimum of two (2) years.

6. Correspondence received and/or generated (electronically maintained, as part of the Council Office’s correspondence database) – a minimum of two (2) years.

7. All information stored on the City Council’s database system shall be electronically copied, at least once a month, and stored off-site.

E. Notice of Charges for Reproduction

1. Photo copies - $0.20 per page.

2. Computer generated records/reports - $0.25 per page, plus any incurred costs. The amount of this charge will vary depending upon the nature and scope of the document request. A quote will be provided prior to the initiation of any work.

3. Document search fee $10.00 per hour – a quote will be provided upon request and prior to the initiation of any work.

4. Compact Disk (CD) or DVD, per copy/per disk created – $8.00 (full or partial).

5. For all other requests for reproduction not noted above - a quote will be provided upon request.

6. If the above specified reproduction charges conflict with reproduction charges posted elsewhere in the City of Tulsa organization, the lesser of the two shall prevail.

The Council may open its Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Council Meeting with a moment of silent prayer or personal reflection. The moment of silent prayer or personal reflection is an opportunity for meeting attendees, in the exercise of their individual choices, to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with, distract, or impede other attendees in the exercise of their individual choices.

City Council public recognition is intended to promote the City of Tulsa to its citizens and visitors while also honoring and recognizing Tulsa residents and guests, or entities working in or for the benefit of Tulsa. Public recognition is appropriate for a variety of different purposes, including but not limited to significant anniversaries and milestones; exemplary military service; acts of public service, civic engagement, economic development, public education and awareness, and volunteerism that benefit the City of Tulsa and promote goodwill; and other similar public purposes.

City Council recognition must serve a public purpose and can never have, as its primary objective, the benefit of a private interest or person. Likewise, recognition must benefit the community as a whole and directly relate to the functions of municipal government. City Council recognitions are not intended for matters of political controversy; ideological or religious beliefs or individual convictions; events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Tulsa; and campaigns (political or otherwise) or events contrary to City policies, or those that could promote hatred, violence, or racism.

Recognitions are strictly honorary, and they are issued as a courtesy. In addition, they are not legally binding and do not constitute an endorsement by the City of Tulsa, the Tulsa City Council or individual Tulsa City Councilors.

The Public Recognition Working Group (“PRWG”), consisting of 3 councilors, shall be appointed by December 31 of each year by the new chairperson to review these protocols. If protocol amendments are necessary, or City Council budget considerations are required, then the PRWG shall make a report to the full Council no later than January 31.

Council staff will facilitate the creation, design, branding, and procurement of tokens of public recognition that meet the objectives of this policy. Requests for new items, may be submitted to the PRWG who will make a recommendation on the feasibility of each request. Following is an itemized listing of tokens of public recognition and processes that can be utilized for public recognition purposes by the Council and/or Councilors, where applicable.

A. Miscellaneous Promotional Items

Promotional items are items such as pencils, pens, pins, and stickers that the Council can collectively use to promote the City of Tulsa and the Tulsa City Council with individuals, especially when addressing larger gatherings. Promotion of the City and Council can vary based on the event, but generally are used for citizen education, increased utilization of city programs, and increased citizen engagement. Typically, these items will be logoed with the names and/or seals of City of Tulsa and/or Tulsa City Council and have information that those who receive the items can use to learn more about the City of Tulsa or the City Council. Typically, these items would be distributed during large gatherings like parades and town halls, or they could be used for scout troops and youth organizations.



Council staff will complete an annual inventory to ensure that these miscellaneous promotional items are available for City Council-sponsored events, including Council meetings. Individual Councilors can request miscellaneous promotional items for various events from the Council Administrator or their designee from the available inventoried supply.

B. Certificates of Recognition and/or Achievement 

Certificates of Recognition and/or Achievement, which are inclusive of any other similar type of recognition, are honorary documents issued by a City Councilor or the City Council that may be used to honor special events or individuals. These may include but are not limited to conferences; conventions; seminars; professional celebrations; retirements; family reunions; community celebrations; award ceremonies; college graduations; significant birthdays; anniversaries and other achievements.


Certificates of Recognition and/or Achievement are not automatically renewed and are limited to one (1) recipient per event, per calendar year. Certificates can be requested by City Councilors or outside entities. If requested from an outside entity, the Tulsa City Council and its staff reserves the right to modify or deny any request for a ceremonial document. Outside requests must ultimately be sponsored by a City Councilor. An organization may request only one certificate annually. Requests by entities or individual Councilors should be made no less than 30 days in advance of the date in which the document is needed.

C. Proclamations 


Proclamations are ceremonial documents issued by the entire membership of the City Council that recognize, celebrate, and honor extraordinary achievements. They may include but are not limited to the residents of the City of Tulsa, certain organizations’ occasions of importance and significance; days that are noteworthy or historically significant; years of City service; and special events.




Proclamations are not automatically renewed and are limited to one (1) recipient per event, per calendar year. Tulsa City Council and its staff reserves the right to modify or deny any request for a ceremonial document. Proclamations can be requested by a Councilor or an outside entity. An organization may request only one proclamation annually. Ultimately, outside requests must be sponsored by a City Councilor. More than one cause can be proclaimed simultaneously. An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation. Requests should be made no less than 30 days in advance of the date in which the document is needed.

D. Challenge Coins


A challenge coin is a small ceramic or metallic coin or medallion, typically bearing an emblem or mark of the City Council on one side and the City of Tulsa on the other. Traditionally, coins have been given by the military or units of government to enhance morale, promote the general welfare, recognize a special achievement or contribution to society, or to honor special visitors and guests.


Ceramic challenge coins, which are relatively modestly priced, were originally intended to be available to be given by the Council to encourage youth engagement and honor members of youth service organizations who attend City Council meetings when supporting a portion of the meeting (e.g.: performing the pledge of allegiance) or as a requirement in earning a service badge. Going forward, ceramic coins may be excellent tokens of appreciation to present to individuals who have earned an opportunity to be publicly recognized for outstanding achievement or as tokens of goodwill to individuals who are part of larger groups, such as those who are visiting the City of Tulsa in a special capacity or in a cultural or Sister Cities exchange or visit.


Metallic challenge coins, which are much more costly than ceramic coins and have a limited inventory, are intended to be presented to Tulsa residents for exemplary acts of service or achievement, and for distinguished guests, celebrities, and visitors to our City. 




Annually, Councilors will be assigned individual allocations of both types of challenge coins to be distributed according to the standards outlined in this section and these protocols. These coins will be kept under the care of the Council Administrator, or their designee, until requested by a Councilor. Initially, each Councilor will receive an allocation of up to 35 metal coins and up to 50 ceramic coins. Residual, unused coins shall be returned to the Council Administrator or their designee by each December 31 so the PRWG can efficiently budget and plan for the forthcoming year. Future availability of each coin type will be based on the annual, adopted Council budget, current inventory, and Council needs and desires at that time. An inventory of ceramic coins will be kept by Council staff for distribution by the chair and/or other Councilors at regular City Council meetings, if warranted, and will not count toward any individual Councilor’s allocation.

E. Council Keys to the City

The Key to the City is a beloved symbol of civic recognition and gratitude and is the highest honor that can be bestowed by the City Council to individuals whose service to the public and common good rises to the highest level of achievement. Keys to the City symbolize the freedom of the recipient, and the desire of the Council for the recipient, to always be allowed to enter and leave as a trusted friend of the City of Tulsa and its citizens. Keys will be presented in a manner that is consistent with the City’s overall vision, mission and goals.

Keys to the City are intended to honor:

  • A Tulsa resident who has made extraordinary civic contributions to the City of Tulsa or extraordinary accomplishments in the military; or

  • A person who has performed an extraordinary act of heroism; or

  • A prominent government or military dignitary while visiting Tulsa.

  • Keys to the City may not be awarded to current employees or current contract employees of the City of Tulsa.


To request a Council Key, an individual Councilor shall submit the request to the PRWG who shall determine if the request meets the objectives outlined above. If the request meets the objectives, then the Administrator or their designee can release a key to the individual Councilor. Council Staff shall prepare a certificate to accompany each key. If consent is granted, the nominating Councilors should make every attempt to present the Key with great care and with the highest of honors and standards to its recipient. Keys shall be kept and overseen exclusively by the Council Administrator. A listing of Keys awarded shall be kept by the Council Administrator and displayed in a conspicuous place in the City Council office.

APPROVED 28th day of June, 1990

AMENDED 18th day of December 1990
AMENDED 15th day of January 1991
AMENDED 7th day of May 1991
AMENDED 17th day of October 1991
AMENDED 15th day of October 1992
AMENDED 9th day of December 1993
AMENDED 25th day of August 1994
AMENDED 2nd day of February 1995
AMENDED 27th day of July 1995
AMENDED 29th day of February 1996
AMENDED 28th day of March 1996
AMENDED 11th day of July 1996
AMENDED 8th day of May 1997
AMENDED 21st day of August 1997
AMENDED 26th day of March 1998
AMENDED 1st day of April 1999
AMENDED 24th day of February 2000
AMENDED 30th day of November 2000
AMENDED 8th day of February 2001
AMENDED 21st day of February 2002
AMENDED 11th day of April 2002
AMENDED 14th day of November 2002
AMENDED 19th day of December 2002
AMENDED 14th day of August 2003
AMENDED 6th day of May 2004
AMENDED 20th day of May 2004
AMENDED 28th day of July 2005
AMENDED 18th day of October 2007
AMENDED 24th day of January 2008
AMENDED 11th day of December 2008
AMENDED 29th day of April 2010
AMENDED 26th day of January 2012
AMENDED 8th day of March 2012
AMENDED 24th day of October 2013
AMENDED 6th day of February 2014
AMENDED 13th day of May 2015
AMENDED 5th day of December 2016
AMENDED 7th day of June 2017
AMENDED 24th day of January 2018
AMENDED 12th day of December 2018
AMENDED 25th day of March 2020
AMENDED 27th day of January 2021
AMENDED 27th day of May 2021
AMENDED 11th day of August 2021

AMENDED 16th day of November 2022 

AMENDED 16th day of November 2022 

AMENDED 14th day of December 2022 

AMENDED 13th day of September 2023

AMENDED 18th day of September 2024

AMENDED 15th day of January 2025

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