Current Projects
Click on each project to learn more about them and how City Council is currently working on them!
This summer, voters will have an opportunity to vote on a third Improve Our Tulsa package funded by General Obligation Bonds and a sales tax extension. This Improve Our Tulsa renewal will fund improvements to identified City facilities and sites while also providing capital funding for public safety equipment and street maintenance. This extension will not raise taxes for Tulsans.
Click HERE to learn more.
The following South Tulsa construction projects - ongoing, upcoming or recently completed - can be reviewed in detail here or via the interactive map via the City of Tulsa's Improve Our Tulsa campaign.
Click HERE to learn more.
In 2018, the City of Tulsa partnered with the Community Service Council to produce the first Equality Indicators report. This annual report uses data to measure equality as it relates to six themes.
Click HERE to learn more.
A task force to understand the needs of the community in addressing homelessness at the intersection of housing and mental health and to create a strategy for the City to best utilize its policy and legislative powers, public convening and education platforms, and financial resources.
Click HERE to learn more.
The Tulsa City Council has recently formed a new committee, the Tribal Relations Committee, to create a more direct dialogue between the Council and members of our sovereign tribal nations.
Click HERE to learn more.